About Blog


Hello and welcome! I am starting this blog in an attempt to start writing more for a public audience. I expect most posts on this blog will be of a technical nature, primarily relating to computing, programming languages, and research. I would like to use this blog as a less formal and more didactic medium than traditional published research, and I want it to be accessible to those who aren't already in academia. I am passionate about computing, math, and logic, but these fields can be opaque to outsiders due to their obscure jargon and insular syntax. I want anyone to be able to taste at least a little bit of what draws me to these fields, regardless of background.

There may be less technically oriented posts here as well: I want to have some variety! The exact mix of posts is yet to be determined, though, and I will most likely only be posting here when I have time, in between research projects and coursework.

I hope you will stick around!